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The Art of Pendulum Practice - A quick and easy guide

A pendulum is any weighted object suspended from the grip of your hand. It could be as simple as a ring tied to the end of a string, or more ornate like the Intuitive Advisors you see here, which are created from fine metals and raw crystals with the intention of boosting your own intuitive abilities by elevating the art of pendulum practice.

There has been much debate over the science of pendulums, and the exact explanation of how it works is yet to be understood. However, the pendulum essentially acts as a transmitter that can detect the subtle energies the surround all beings, objects, animals, plants, and even minerals. Our bodies sense these energies all the time but our minds can get in the way of actually being in tune with them. That’s where the beauty of using the pendulum comes in. By amplifying these energies, we get a visual representation of them allowing us to better recognize the signals and use them as a guide in everyday life.

In this way, pendulums are a mystical technology.

Throughout history, pendulums have been used by world leaders and monarchies, medical professionals and spiritual healers, even business tycoons and military operatives. Most positions of power you can think of throughout history have turned to this practice.

Pendulums are often used for dowsing, but they’re also used for divination, and what I like to call ‘Intuitive Check-Ins’

Dowsing is locating anything invisible to the naked eye including lost objects or people, and underground water or minerals.

Divination is the foretelling of future events, or accessing knowledge of the unknown.

Intuitive Check-Ins are a way to read your own thoughts and emotions to calm the mind and increase your self-awareness. Even boost your health and vitality.

Getting Started:

  • Clear your mind opening yourself up to receiving messages while staying unattached to the outcome.

  • Loosen the body by dropping your shoulders and doing a little wiggle with your limbs.

  • Call in your energy by visualizing your aura and bringing it inward.

  • Ground yourself by planting your feet firmly on the ground or sitting with your legs crossed and really planting yourself and feeling the earth below you.

Greeting your pendulum:

  • Using your dominant hand, pick up the pendulum and hold at a height that feels comfortable.

  • Do not rest your elbows on anything and hold your arms slightly away from your body to increase the flow.

  • Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor and hold that grounded energy.

  • Now to greet the pendulum- run your fingers down the chain and steady it in your hand. ( I like to say ‘hi’ - they have personalities after all!)

Attuning your pendulum:

  • Once you’ve greeted the pendulum, now it’s time to attune it. This way you know which way is yes and which way is no. It could be different from your neighbor- but it will typically be the same for you no matter what pendulum you are using.

  • Tell your pendulum “show me YES” (give it a minute to tune in) and then tell it to “show me NO”. You can also tell it to “show me MAYBE” and “show me ASK AGAIN LATER” kind of like a magic 8 ball.

Phrasing of questions is important as you can only ask yes or no questions. The idea is to get as clear as you can about what you’re actually wanting/needing to know. A good place to start is to be curious about why you are asking in the first place in order to get to the root of the inquiry.

Here are some good examples of how to phrase the question:

  • Is this decision serving my highest good?

  • Should I use this crystal, oil, etc…?

  • Am I aligned with…?

  • Will I get a positive outcome from..?

  • Does this plant need more water?

  • Will I benefit from…?

  • Is it because.. ?* this is an important one when sorting through emotions. Example “Am I anxious?” “Is the problem real?” “Is it in my control?” And so on..

Some things to note also, it’s unethical to divine about (or tap into) a person’s energy without their permission, so try if you can to direct the questions back to yourself as much as you can. Remember phrasing is key.

Lastly, if you’re unsure about wether or not to ask the question, ask these three things first:

  • Can I ask this question? (do I have the ability)

  • Should I ask this question? (is the timing and astrological weather appropriate, etc.)

  • May I ask this question? (permission granted)

*If you receive a no on either first two questions, do not proceed with the 3rd.

Below are some images from in-person workshops I've done in the past at The Grateful Shed and Sonomama in Los Angeles. To be notified of workshops I'll be hosting in the digital space, sign up for the email list here.

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